People in Indonesia are
less interested in capital market investment
people's interest to invest in the stock market is still low compared to
neighboring countries in Southeast Asia, such as Singapore and Malaysia.
"This was due to lack of knowledge society, as well as they have been victims of fraud from which many illegal investment institutions operating in the area," said Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange Friderica Widyasari Dewi, at a meeting "Investment Candidates Forum" Friday, in london.
He said of the total population in Indonesia reached 240 million people, the desire of citizens to invest only about one million. Among these 400 thousand in the capital market, 500 thousand in mutual funds, and the rest in ORI (ritail state bonds).
”If calculated from the total population is still small,only just around half a per cent of that amount. Therefore, we will continue the program (sosialization) to areas in Indonesia," he said.
Friderica Dewi said that until now the people of Indonesia not really know the benefit of invested in official institutions, such as capital markets and mutual funds. People have money, some income to set aside savings in banks.
fact, he said, if you can invest in one of these institutions you can get the benefit more than just saving money in the
we will continue to provide insight and understanding through education to
areas related methods and mechanisms to invest correct. Indeed, if there is a
risk investing tide, depending on the sale of shares in the capital
market," he said
There are some factor about many people in Indonesia who not interest in
investmen. First of all, small per capita income. Even tough
investment costs are now cheap, per capita income of Rp 3 million a month is
considered scant. People still put a lot of though in saving, let alone in
investment right?
Second, people don’t know how to investment. This is the reason that
absolutely classic. Where can i buy the shares ? How to do it ? Do you have to
buy through a bank ? Many people who
interested in invesment, but do not know how.
Third, people didn't have capital
to investment. In the perception of many people maybe investing is the
business that people should be have a
lot of money for beginning capital.
And then, some people already detterent to investing again, because their
first ever loss in investing, so they are recommended people to stay away from
this one field. I don’t know the reason
some people could give up doing business shares, other than shares they had
treated it as a gamble since the start of trading. And they lost! Of course, it
is because their mindset are a big mistake.
So many reasons put forward actually
a reflection of ignorance due to lack of socialization and education capital
There are several ways that Indonesian society is growing interest to
invest. For example is with in the seminar invented. such as educational
seminar on capital markets. which aims to introduce capital market and
encourage the younger generation to make the capital market as an investment
interesting material about investing, such as the types of investment,
the benefits and risks of investing, stages or steps to start investing along
the direction of a good investment and how not to be fooled bulging investment.
And then, creating a National Movement to mobilize the community to
consciously invest by providing an understanding of the need to invest. Equip
people with the knowledge and the correct way to invest, for example is
investment in the capital market through socialization and education programs.
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